Student Prizes

The annual VMSG conference is very strongly student orientated. To emphasise this, prizes are given out each year for the best oral presentation given by a student (the Bob Hunter Prize) and the best poster presentation by a student (the Geoff Brown Prize).

Each student presentation (talk or poster) is assessed by three markers, who score the presentation on the basis of both presentation and content. We are looking for an engaging, well structured and visually appealing presentation that communicates novel research findings clearly and effectively. The criteria used to assess all presentations can be found in the attached document.


Past recipients of the Bob Hunter Prize:
2025: Lydia Whittaker (Trinity College Dublin)
: Tegan Havard (Liverpool)
: Emma Watts (Southampton)
: Annika Voigt (Oxford)
: Matthew Varnam (Manchester)
: Sally Law (Edinburgh)
2019: Ben Clarke (Edinburgh)


Past recipients of the Geoff Brown Prize:
2025: Abigail Robinson (Birkbeck)
2024: Ceri Allgood (Durham)
2023: Kerys Meredew (Birmingham)
2022: Annabelle Foster (Durham)
2021: Adam Cotterill (University College London)
: Gregor Weber (Geneva)
2019: Elliot Carter (Manchester)