Student Resources
Student Prizes
The annual VMSG conference encourages contributions from students. To emphasise this, prizes are given out each year for the best oral presentation given by a student (The Bob Hunter Prize) and the best poster presentation by a student (The Geoff Brown Prize).
Student Bursaries
VMSG awards bursaries for student researchers from the VMSG community. We run two bursary schemes, one to attend conferences at which the awardees are presenting an oral or poster presentation; and one to support students wishing to attend international technical and field workshops.
The bursary schemes are intended to support students who are active members of the VMSG community. Awards are up to a maximum of £500, with deadlines on the 1st June and 1st December each year.
To apply, please read the eligibility conditions carefully. You can find out more on the Student Bursaries & Grant page.
Grant Directory
We have also collated a Grant Directory to help students find additional non-VMSG fundings. The directory comprises a comprehensive list of all grants and bursaries that are applicable to students with volcanic- and magmatic-related projects, along with deadlines and links to further information. To view the list, visit the Student Bursaries & Grant page for more information.
PhD Opportunities
As an aid to young researchers looking for a PhD opportunity, VMSG compiles a list of volcanic and magmatic related PhD titles available for application in the UK, and sometimes overseas. To view the list, visit the PhD Opportunities page for more information.
Carl Zeiss Microscopy Ltd. and The Geological Society of London are offering a scholarship for Earth Science PhD students who are Fellows of the Geological Society. Worth up to £8000, the scholarship is intended to be used for innovative microscopy in Earth Science related PhD projects. More information can be found on the Zeiss-GSL Scholarship page.
If you have a PhD you would like to be included on the list, please contact the student representative.
Volcanic & Magmatic Internships
We have collated a list of volcanic and magmatic internships that have been attended by numerous VMSG student members.
A brief summary of each internship has been provided, as well as website links or contact email addresses for each. For more information, visit the Student Internships page.
If you know of another internship you would like to be included on the list, please contact the student representative.
PhD and ECR Directory
The purpose of the Directory is to open up the community to all levels, facilitating networking and collaborations. The PhDs and ECRs who have signed up have expressed whether they are interested in collaborations, networking and giving presentations to other institutions, so please make the most of this great resource.
Please note that if you are not a PhD or ECR that doesn’t mean you can’t use the directory. Follow the link here to see participants and sign up.
Relevant Resources and Links
Check out the PDF here to find other volcanic and magmatic related organisations and online resources!